Philip K. Dick (1928-1982)
Il est l'un de mes deux auteurs de Science Fiction de prédilection,
peut être même mon préféré.
On peut dire que K Dick est un auteur prolifique. C'est surtout une incroyable
quantoité de nouvelles qu'il nous laisse, tout d'excellente facture.
K. Dick a tout d'abord cherché à faire comme ses prédécesseurs
(Jack Vance notament), avant de trouver son style propre. On retrouve tous les
thèmes chères aux auterus de SF ce l'époque : les extra-terrestres,
les robots, les humains aux pouvoirs para-psychiques, la guerre froide, ...
et en derrière, une petite touche sarcastique féroce, l'absurde
et le génie. Ainsi, Ubik est un parfait exemple : il commence comme un
parfait livre de SF sur les humains paranormaux, et nous sombrons soudain dans
l'univers compliqué et tordu de K. Dick, pour notre plus grand plaisir.
Le nombre de ses romans adapté sont incroyables ; "Blade Runner",
"Total Recall", "Minority Report", ....
bibliographie officielle : les romans
Solar Lottery (1955)
The World Jones Made (1956)
The Man Who Japed (1956)
Eye in the Sky (1957)
The Cosmic Puppets (1957)
Time Out of Joint (1959)
Dr. Futurity (1960)
Vulcan's Hammer (1960)
The Man in the High Castle (1962)
The Game-Players of Titan (1963)
The Penultimate Truth (1964)
Martian Time-Slip (1964)
The Simulacra (1964)
Clans of the Alphane Moon (1964)
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1965)
Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along after the Bomb (1965)
Now Wait for Last Year (1966)
The Crack in Space (1966)
The Unteleported Man (1966)
The Zap Gun (1967)
Counter-Clock World (1967)
The Ganymede Takeover (with Ray Nelson) (1967)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) Adapted for the motion picture,
"Blade Runner."
Galactic Pot-Healer (1969)
Ubik (1969)
A Maze of Death (1970)
Our Friends from Frolix 8 (1970)
We Can Build You (1972)
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (1974)
Confessions of a Crap Artist (1975)
Deus Irae (with Roger Zelazny) (1976)
A Scanner Darkly (1977)
VALIS (1981)
The Divine Invasion (1981)
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (1982)
The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike (1984)
Radio Free Albemuth (1985)
Puttering About in a Small Land (1985)
In Milton Lumky Territory (1985)
Humpty Dumpty in Oakland (1986)
Mary and the Giant (1987)
The Broken Bubble (1988)
Nick and the Glimmung (a children's novel) (1988)
Gather Yourselves Together (1994)
Lies, Inc. (1964)
Les conseils de Manu :
Oubliez le film "Blade Runner". C'est une merde. Jetez vous plutôt
sur "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", un chef d'oeuvre de SF.
Une autre pièce maitresse est sans aucun doute "Eye in the Sky".
Drôle, décalée, un ouvrage majeur. Un groupe de personnes
visitent une centrale lorsqu'u accident se produit. Pour eux, le monde devient
alors étrange ..
J'ai bien sûr déjà parlé d'"Ubik", à
lire absolument.
"The Cosmic Puppets", il est intéressant de le noter, consititue
un roman de fantasy original et plus que sympathique.
Tous le reste est aussi à lire, et pas les yeux fermés. A noter
: j'adore K. Dick, mais sur la fin, il a écrit des romans un peu pénibles
à la lecture. L'histoire est moins travaillée, et la réflexion
plus poussée. Cela peut rebuter.
bibliographie officielle : les nouvelles parues dasn le magasine "Amazing"
"Beyond Lies the Wub"
"The Gun"
"The Skull"
"The Little Movement"
"The Defenders"
"Mr. Spaceship"
"Piper in the Woods"
"The Infinites"
"Second Variety"
Basis for the 1996 film
" Screamers"
"The World She Wanted"
"The Cookie Lady"
Basis for the 2002 film
" Impostor"
"Martians Come in Clouds"
aka "The Buggies"
Basis for the 2003 film
" Paycheck"
"The Preserving Machine"
"The Cosmic Poachers"
aka "Burglar"
aka "He Who Waits"
"The Indefatigable Frog"
"The Commuter"
"Out in the Garden"
"The Great C"
"The King of the Elves"
aka "Shadrach Jones and the Elves"
"The Trouble with Bubbles"
aka "Plaything"
"The Variable Man"
"The Impossible Planet"
aka "Legend"
"Planet for Transients"
aka "The Itinerants"
"Some Kinds of Life"
aka "The Beleagured"
"The Builder"
"The Hanging Stranger"
"Project: Earth"
aka "One Who Stole"
"The Eyes Have It"
"Tony and the Beetles"
"Prize Ship"
aka "Globe From Ganymede"
"Beyond the Door"
"The Crystal Crypt"
"A Present for Pat"
"The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford"
"The Golden Man"
aka "The God Who Runs"
"James P. Crow"
"Prominent Author"
"Small Town"
"Survey Team"
"Sales Pitch"
"Time Pawn"
expanded as the novel "Dr, Futurity"
"Breakfast at Twilight"
"The Crawlers"
aka "Foundling Home"
"Of Withered Apples"
"Exhibit Piece"
"Adjustment Team"
"Shell Game"
"A World of Talent"
"The Last of the Masters"
aka "Protection Agency"
"Upon the Dull Earth"
"The Father-Thing"
"Strange Eden"
aka "Immolation"
"Jon's World"
aka "Jon"
"The Turning Wheel"
"Foster, You're Dead"
"Human Is"
"War Veteran"
"Captive Market"
"The Hood Maker"
aka "Immunity"
"The Chromium Fence"
"Service Call"
"A Surface Raid"
"The Mold of Yancy"
"Psi-Man Heal My Child!
aka "Psi-Man" and "Outside Consultant"
minority report
Special Edition of "The Minority Report"
released in 2002.
"The Minority Report"
Basis for the 2002 film
" Minority Report"
"To Serve the Master"
aka "Be As Gods!"
"Pay for the Printer"
"A Glass Of Darkness"
Magazine version of "The Cosmic Puppets"
"The Unreconstructed M"
aka "Looney Lemuel"
"Explorers We"
"Recall Mechanism"
"Fair Game"
"War Game"
"All We Marsmen"
Serial version of "Martian Time-Slip"
aka "Top Stand-by Job"
"What'll We Do with Ragland Park?"
aka "No Ordinary Guy"
"The Days of Perky Pat"
"If There Were No Benny Cemoli"
A. Lincoln Simulacrum (1969)
"Novelty Act"
"Oh, to Be a Blobel!"
"The War With The Fnools"
"What the Dead Men Say"
aka "Man with a Broken Match"
"Orpheus with Clay Feet"
"Cantata 140"
"A Game of Unchance"
"The LIttle Black Box"
"Precious Artifact"
"The Unteleported Man"
Magazine version of the novel
"Retreat Syndrome"
"Project Plowshare"
Serial version of "The Zap Gun"
"We Can Remember It for You Wholesale"
Basis for the 1990 film "Total Recall"
"Holy Quarrel"
"Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday"
"Return Match"
"Faith of Our Fathers"
"Not by Its Cover"
"The Story to End All Stores for Harlan Ellison's Anthology Dangerous Visions"
"The Electric Ant"
"A. Lincoln, Simulacrum"
Serial version of the novel
"The Pre-Persons"
"A Little Something for Us Tempunauts"
"The Exit Door Leads In"
"Chains of Air, Web of Aether"
aka "The Man Who Knew to Lose"
also part of "The Divine Invasion"
"Rautavaara's Case"
"Frozen Journey"
aka "I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon"
"The Alien Mind"
"Strange Memories of Death"
"Cadbury, The Beaver Who Lacked"
"The Day Mr. Computer Fell Out of Its Tree"
"The Eye of the Sibyl"
"A Terran Odyssey"
"Goodbye, Vincent"